Final Concert of Accademia
The 35th Edition of the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda” will close on Monday 17th July with the traditional Final Concert; the seminary is directed by the General Administrator Ernesto Palacio and is supported by the Fondazione Meuccia Severi.
The singers who will be performing are the twenty-one effective pupils of the Academy, hailing from Italy, Spain, South Korea, Georgia, Japan, Turkey, Chile, Costa Rica, Ireland and Mexico: Maria Rita Combattelli, Vittoriana De Amicis, Sabrina Gárdez, Miyoung Lee, Tamar Otanadze, Martina Russomanno (sopranos); Saori Sugiyama, Seray Pinar (mezzo-sopranos); Michele Galbiati, Luigi Morassi, Paolo Nevi, Xavier Prado (tenors); Andrés Cascante, William Kyle, Matteo Mancini, Eduardo Martinez, Giacomo Nanni, Giuseppe Toia (baritones); Alberto Comes, Valerio Morelli (bass-baritones) and Omar Capparolli (bass).
Rubén Sánchez-Vieco will accompany the singers at the pianoforte in numbers chosen from among the most famous of Rossini’s operas: La gazza ladra, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Maometto II, Adina, Il signor Bruschino, Il Turco in Italia, L’inganno felice, Guillaume Tell, L’Italiana in Algeri, L’occasione fa il ladro, La Cenerentola, Armida, Tancredi, Il viaggio a Reims.
Tickets for the concert (numbered seats at 10 Euros each) are available online on Vivaticket and on the Festival’s website ( and at the Teatro Sperimentale on the day of the performance from 4.00 p.m. For information: 0721.3800294.
The Final Concert of the Accademia will be the first in a series of concerts offered to audiences in the context of the Festival Giovane [Youth Festival] 2023, a section of the Rossini Opera Festival dedicated to emerging, talented and promising young singers.
Pupils of the Accademia will, in fact, also take part in the second edition of the Salons Rossini concerts, programmed for the 19th, 22nd, 27th and 30th July and the 1st August at 9.00 p.m. in some of the most appealing old towns in the environs of Pesaro: Gradara, Cagli, Mondavio, Carpegna and Urbino. Each concert will be introduced by a short listeners’ guide prepared by Andrea Parissi from the Fondazione Rossini and will end with a friendly brindisi.
In the context of the 44th edition of the Rossini Opera Festival, the young singers of the Accademia Rossiniana will present, at the Museo Nazionale Rossini, the Concerti al Museo, recitals for voice and pianoforte, on the 5th, 12th, 15th and 17th August, beginning at 11.00 a.m. and on the 14th August at 12.30 p.m.
The programme of the Festival Giovane will conclude with the two performances of Il viaggio a Reims that will be given on the 16th and 18th August at 11.00 a.m. at the Teatro Sperimentale, with Andrea Foti conducting the Filarmonica Gioachino Rossini. The opera will be performed in the historic 2001 staging by Emilio Sagi which over the years has been sung by prominent pupils of the Accademia, today well established Rossini specialists all over the world. The production will be rehearsed by Matteo Anselmi.
As part of the Next Generation project, the 18th August performance will be broadcast in live streaming on OperaVision, the free platform offered by Opera Europa and co-financed by the Europa Creativa programme. Both the performances, together with a podcast and a backstage video, will be visible for the following six months on the OperaVision website.
Published in : 14 July 2023