Waiting for Pesaro 2024
As part of the cultural initiatives for Pesaro’s bid to become Italy’s Capital of Culture in 2024, we would like to highlight the Il Belcanto ritrovato festival, organised by the Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini. The event, now in its second edition, will take place from August 21st to September 3rd and aims to recover and promote knowledge of the music of Rossini’s contemporary composers.
Information: www.ilbelcantoritrovato.it
Some of the performances will be given by students and graduates of the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda”: Liayla Alamanova, Victor Jimenez and Alessandro Abis will perform the lyrical-symphonic concert I nostri per Rossini in Fano (August 24th) and Urbino (August 26th), while on August 25th at the Teatro Sperimentale, Luigi Ricci’s Il birraio di Preston will be performed with soloists from the Accademia Rossiniana.
Rossini Opera Festival audiences can obtain a free ticket for one of the performances by keeping the ticket for the ROF performance they attended and sending an e-mail to boxoffice@ilbelcantoritrovato.it by Tuesday 22 August (stating their name, surname, telephone number and the performance they wish to attend). The ticket must be collected from the box office at least 30 minutes before the start of the performance.
Published in : 22 July 2023