A new feature: ROF Talks 2023
In the 2023 calendar the Rossini Opera Festival has included a new series of meetings entitled ROF Talks. Conducted by Radio Rai journalist Susanna Franchi, the meetings, with free admission, are scheduled from 11 to 13 August at 12 noon in the Sala della Repubblica of Teatro Rossini.
On Friday 11 August, the theme will be Rossini and his Festival between modernity and the future: after the welcome address by the Municipal Administration and the Festival Management, the Undersecretary at the Ministry of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi and the President of the National Association of Lyric and Symphonic Foundations Fulvio Macciardi will speak about it. The meeting will also be an opportunity to talk with Jader Bignamini and Stefano Poda, conductor and director of Eduardo and Cristina, staged that evening at the Vitrifrigo Arena.
On Saturday 12 August, The Rossini Opera Festival for Pesaro 2024 Italian Capital of Culture will be held, with President Daniele Vimini and Intendant Ernesto Palacio announcing the 2024 Festival programme. At their side the artistic director of the National Symphony Orchestra Rai, Ernesto Schiavi. Then the Aureliano in Palmira, scheduled for the evening at the Vitrifrigo Arena, will be discussed with conductor George Petrou and director Mario Martone.
Finally, on Sunday 13 August, the theme will be ROF 2023: Festivals and the Agenda for Sustainable Development, an issue that is becoming increasingly topical and that the festival, certified as an eco-sustainable event by Ecoevents-Legambiente, has always valued since it drew up its first social report in 2011. During the meeting, General Manager Cristian Della Chiara will present the 2022 Social Report, together with Patrizio Bianchi, economist and professor emeritus at the University of Ferrara, and Lorenzo Succi, director of UniRimini spa. Francesco Lanzillotta and Arnaud Bernard, director and conductor of Adelaide di Borgogna, will also speak about the opera that will be performed that evening at the Vitrifrigo Arena.
Published in : 8 August 2023