The Cantata for Pope Pius IX
The rich programme of concerts proposed by the ROF now offers two vary rarely performed Cantatas.
After the Cantata in morte di M. F. Malibran, which will be performed on Monday 14th August in the context of the Rossinimania series, on Tuesday 15th August at 4.00 p.m. at the Teatro Sperimentale the first performance in Pesaro will be given of the Cantata in onore del Sommo Pontefice Pio IX [Cantata in honour of Pope Pius IX], in the critical edition prepared by the Fondazione Rossini, edited by Mauro Bucarelli.
Christopher Franklin will conduct the Filarmonica Gioachino Rossini and the Chorus of the Teatro Ventidio Basso. The singers will be Pietro Adaíni (L’Amor pubblico – The People’s Love), Marina Monzó (La Speranza – Hope), Michael Mofidian (Il genio cristiano – Christian genius), Antonio Garés (Corifeo – Dancer).
This Cantata for solo voices, chorus and orchestra, to words by Giovanni Marchetti, was prepared by the composer to celebrate the elevation to the papacy of Cardinal Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, and was first performed at the Senate in the Capitol, Rome, on the 1st January 1847. The singers in the Rome première included Pietro Cadani, Luigia Finetti, Benedetto Laura and Fortunato Silvestri.
The Cantata will be introduced at one of the Incontri [Meetings] organized by the Fondazione Rossini: today, on Sunday 13th August at 11.00 at the Museo Nazionale Rossini, Daniele Carnini will introduce Marco Beghelli, Professore ordinario in Musicologia e Storia della Musica at the University of Bologna. The same Incontro will also serve to present the Cantata in morte di M.F. Malibran, which will be performed on Monday 14th August at 11.00 a.m. at the Teatro Sperimentale.
Information: 0721.3800294 –
Published in : 13 August 2023