Training for teachers

The fifth edition of the training and refresher course for teachers “Gioachino Rossini: Aureliano in Palmira (Milan, 1813). Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans: ancient history goes to the theatre”, promoted by the Rossini Opera Festival in collaboration with the Rossini Conservatory, the University of the Free Age and the “Laurana – Baldi” High School for Science and Human Sciences in Urbino, is underway until April 12th.

The course, held by Professors Maria Chiara Mazzi and Luigi Livi, develops the following topics:

– The recovery of the antique in Renaissance and Baroque music.

– Archaeology and politics in the subjects of eighteenth-century opera.

– The ancient world in Rossini’s operas.

– Aureliano in Palmira

The initiative, aimed at teachers of primary, lower and upper secondary schools, is part of Crescendo per Rossini, the educational project now in its 13th edition implemented by the Rossini Opera Festival and the Fondazione Rossini with the patronage of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino and the Municipality of Pesaro.

General Director Cristian Della Chiara comments: “The Festival has taken upon itself with great conviction the task of spreading knowledge of Gioachino Rossini’s life and works also through the medium of didactics: Crescendo per Rossini is addressed to an audience ranging from children in Infant-toddler Centres to students at the University of Urbino, and the course for teachers closes the circle, aiming to train those who, together with their classes, participate in the project’s annual didactic activities”.

Published in : 27 February 2023