Special rates


Let’s discover Rossini together!

An experience that promises to bring children on an exciting journey through the beauty of the opera.

At the ROF, musical culture is more accessible than ever for families. Whether children are already passionate about music or are taking their first step into the world of opera, the ROF is the ideal place to cultivate a love for art and culture and to experience moments together with the family for unforgettable memories.

Bring your children to the Rossini Opera Festival for a unique experience: the opera live on stage!

Under 14 price: 1 €

For further information: phone +39 0721 3800294


Rossini is for everyone!

If you are under 30 years of age or a holder of the Carta Giovani Nazionale, these exceptional opportunities are reserved for you:

30 € for all the operas and the Il viaggio a Reims concert

You can choose between all categories, always at the same price!

Immerse yourself in Rossini’s atmospheres and experience the enchantment and energy of the Rossini Opera Festival.

20 € for Concerti Lirico-Sinfonici and Concerti di Belcanto

You can choose where you want to sit, always at the same price!

Enjoy unforgettable evenings celebrating the beauty of opera singing, in the company of other young music lovers.

10 € for the Youth Festival: Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda” concert and Il viaggio a Reims

Be the first to discover the young talents of the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda” in the fantastic characters of the opera Il viaggio a Reims dedicated to the curious young people of today and melomaniacs of tomorrow.

For further information: Tel.+39 0721 3800294.


The Rossini Opera Festival offers 100 conservatoire students the opportunity to experience the excitement of opera at a special price. 

For only €100, students can attend four performances of their choice during the Festival and receive free theatre programmes.

How to book

You can send a booking email to boxoffice@rossinioperafestival.it with the following information:
first name, surname, your address, telephone number, e-mail address, Conservatory attended 

The four performances and dates required.The box office will confirm the booking by email and provide information on how to collect the tickets booked, subject to availability.

For further information
boxoffice@rossinioperafestival.it – Tel.+39 0721 3800294 – www.rossinioperafestival.it


What you can do with ticket?

You can enjoy discounts by presenting your ticket at cultural institutions

Pesaro Musei, Pesaro 
Reduced price ticket (Ridotto A), including single ticket Pesaro Musei, single structure ticket, exhibition-only ticket and Card Pesaro Capitale. 
More information

Museo Nazionale Rossini, Pesaro 
Reduced price ticket. 
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