ROF 15k

The exhibition ROF15K. La libertà dello sguardo nell’immaginario visivo rossiniano, celebrates the first 15.000 days of the Rossini Opera Festival through 24 stage models of some of the most important operas.

Curated by Cristian Della Chiara on the basis of an installation project by Bruno Mariotti, with the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro, the exhibition was realised by the ROF Workshops in collaboration with Sistema Museo and, for the multimedia part, by Marco Rossetti, Imergo. Alberto Giuliani was responsible for the direction and video productions, while Studio Amati Bacciardi took the photographs.

This is the list of models on display, in order of exhibition:

2011 Mosè in Egitto (Vick), 2013 Guillaume Tell (Vick), 1994 L’inganno felice (Vick), 1998 La Cenerentola (Ronconi), 2005 Il barbiere di Siviglia (Ronconi), 1995 Guillaume Tell (Pizzi), 2018 Il barbiere di Siviglia (Pizzi), 1982 Tancredi (Pizzi), 2002 La pietra del paragone (Pizzi), 2001 Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo (Pizzi), 2012 Ciro in Babilonia (Livermore), 1994 L’Italiana in Algeri (Fo), 2001 La gazzetta (Fo), 2004 Matilde di Shabran (Martone), 2007 La gazza ladra (Michieletto), 2020 La cambiale di matrimonio (Dale), 2000 La scala di seta (De Filippo), 2019 L’equivoco stravagante (Leiser & Caurier), 2012 Il signor Bruschino (Teatro Sotterraneo), 1985 Il signor Bruschino (De Simone), 1987 Ermione (De Simone), 2019 Semiramide (Vick), 1992 Semiramide (De Ana), 2003 Semiramide (Kaegi).

For three of the models (Mosè in Egitto 2011, Il barbiere di Siviglia 2005 and Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo 2001), digital versions have been produced alongside the originals, allowing a virtual tour of the stage space from every angle.

At the end of the exhibition, in the last room, set up as a mini-theatre, a 35-minute film will be projected, recounting some of the performances through the words of Pier Luigi Pizzi (director), Giovanna Buzzi (costume designer) and Silvano Santinelli (set designer), Vanni Delfini (Delfini Group stage design), Cristina and Romolo Sormani (E. Rancati attrezzeria).

The exhibition can currently be visited in the semi-permanent section of the Museo Nazionale Rossini (via Passeri, 72).